OWL awarded patent

Orthopedic Wellness Laboratories, Inc. (OWL), a Washington corporation, has been granted its first and comprehensive patent by the USPTO (11,020,631).

Rajen N Shah, Cofounder and CEO stated “We are thrilled and proud of this patent.  It reflects the ingenuity and quality of the OWL engineering team.  OWL is set to be a game changer in cervical spine rehabilitation and beyond for health care providers, in-home users, collegiate/school gyms, and fitness clubs.”

Brad H Walker, Cofounder and CTO concurred; “The execution of this patent was over 10 years in the making.  From the early encouragement of my spinal surgeon Dr. Bray, and the fantastic team Raj has put together, we are very happy to see all fifteen of our claims awarded by the USPTO.  I want to thank co-inventors: Aaron, Joe, Mike, Jerry, Dr Lazar, Raj, and Roy for all their hard work and ingenuity.  More progress and more patents are on the way.  I also wish to acknowledge the outstanding support of Richard Allen of Lee and Hays PLLC.  This further validates OWL pioneering leadership in Cervical Spine Rehab/strengthening.”

Daniel L Paulsen, CFO and CIO concurred and added” This adds significant value to OWL and provides us with a solid defense of our technology within the marketplace.  We are actively building upon our IP portfolio, creating value for the shareholder and increasing wellness for our users, a win for all! “

Please contact us at hello@orthopedicwellnesslabs.com with any questions.


OWL awarded Phase 1 SBIR Grant